Momoland is a South Korean girl group formed by MLD Entertainment through the 2016 reality show Finding Momoland. The show's winners Hyebin, Yeonwoo, Jane, Nayun, JooE, Ahin, and Nancy served as the original members. Their debut mini album Welcome to Momoland was released on November 10, 2016. In 2017, Momoland became a nine-member group when Daisy and Taeha joined as members. In 2019, Taeha and Yeonwoo left the group, and Daisy departed in 2020. The group currently consists of Ahin, Hyebin, Jane, JooE, Nancy and Nayun.
MOMOLAND Ahin Signed Polaroid from Thumbs up eraUS$ 170.00 US$ 200.00
MOMOLAND Japan MD PostcardUS$ 15.00
MOMOLAND Broadcast Postcard(B7)US$ 18.00
MOMOLAND Signed Broadcast PhotographUS$ 50.00
MOMOLAND Broadcast PhotocardsUS$ 27.00 US$ 30.00
MOMOLAND Signed Album PhotocardsUS$ 20.99
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